"Gog, the CHIEF prince of Meshech* and Tubal... "(KJV) =
President of the
Republic of Türkiye
He is also Officially
("...the CHIEF PRINCE" Ezek 38:2)
of the
"Definition: 'Commander in Chief'. the supreme commander of the armed forces of a nation or, sometimes, of several allied nations"
“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”
(Turkish pronunciation: [ˈæɾdoan] )
"who is born as a brave man, soldier or warrior", "brave, warrior hawk", or "fighter"
Erdogan said on
Sunday October 8, 2023 (666) :
"Jerusalem – As the city of Babylon represented the Empire of Babylon, so the city of Jerusalem represented the Jewish nation." CR41:2; NS681:1
"Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it" Jeremiah 30:7
"For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the *women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city"
Zech 14:2
"Hamas and the Palestinian people are not only defending their own lands. They are also defending Anatolia (Asia Minor-Turkey)"
"The Turkish leader is uniquely poised to take center stage in many of the area conflicts and advance his grand design of reviving an Islamic caliphate under his rule." Jerusalem Post July 2020
"The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces."
"Persia, Cush, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:"
Ezek 38:5
"... and be thou a GUARD unto them " Ezek 38:7
Approved on
"The Horn of Africa , also known as
" As always, Türkiye will stand by ‘friendly and brotherly people' of Iran during these difficult times, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan"
We are to remember that all prophecies take time , years , even decades , to fulfill and have stages of development. These prophetic "marks" are initial identifiable indicators of Ezekiel 38. Thus the Lord, ironically, encourages Gog and Allies to :
" Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them. " Ezekiel 38:7 (NKJV)
Israel , it seems, has yet to truly dwell safely, in "unwalled villages", so we must keep this in mind & watch.
As events worldwide are now moving rapidly, we see fulfillments happening in real time before our very eyes. Thankfully, our Lord has provided us this amazing gift !- our Pastors KEY to the "number of his name" aka "the 'MARK' of his name" (Rev. 14:11) i.e. 666= 6+6+6 = 18 letters in the number of his (the beast) name (Rev 13:17) that allows us to "track" the beast in the "four winds of the earth" Rev 7:1
Interesting note: The 6th President of Turkey was: Fahri Sabit Korutürk(666) ? However, we note that the start date of his term in office listed as Friday April 6, 1973 does not seem to "bare witness" to the 'mark', i.e. the date his term began does not = 666. In other words this helps us to differentiate between the two. We also do not believe Koruturk was also considered to be "Commander and Chief" of the military during his term from 1973-1980.
Only since the 2017 Turkish constitutional referendum Article 104 " The President becomes both the head of state and head of government, with the power to appoint and sack ministers and Vice President. The president can issue executive decrees "
Not every name spelled with 18 letters means they are 'marked' of course! Millions of people have 18 letters in the spelling of their name including our dear Pastor 's name!
Click here for more on "Not 666"
This tell us how VERY important it is to provide "at least 2-3" to bare witness/testimony,(and for actual people it is our opinion it must show overwhelming proofs and multiple witnesses) along with using CHRISTIAN COMMON SENSE - LOGIC & REASON (Isaiah 1:18). We must ask ourselves, "how is this name , event, term, date " related to or in the 4 winds? (see below). And here we see just one potential identifying 'mark', just his full name, is our understanding of the matter , yet we feel further investigation into former President Koruturk's term in office for other potential 'mark's' may be warranted .
It seems the "chief prince" in Ezek 38:2 and 39:1 might be directed at the same distinct individual, yet it may be just that 39:2 is directed at same office - the President of Turkey (Meshech and Tubal) , still to happen in the future? Perhaps. However , currently we feel it is the one individual - Recep Tayyip Erdogan(666) , yet time will tell.
This 'key' (6+6+6=18 LETTERS) allows us to track the beast in the
Psalms 83 Prophecy 'marks'
WEDNESDAY MAY 14, 1948 (666)
THE SIX DAY WAR OF 1967 (666)
"During the Mandate, the area saw successive waves of Jewish immigration and the rise of nationalist movements in both the Jewish and Arab communities. COMPETING INTEREST of the two populations led to the 1936–1939 ARAB REVOLT (666) in Palestine and the 1944–1948 Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine (666)."
More on Turkey coming soon in : "THE DRAGON" (Civil) 666 section
** "It has been proposed in this section that Israel–Hamas war be renamed and moved to Gaza War (2023–present)." Wikipedia note 6.14.24
(The adversary is trying to conceal this "mark" no doubt)
Update June 20 2024 "In controversial move, Wikipedia deems ADL 'unreliable' due to Israel advocacy" more about the ADL