"Gog, the CHIEF prince of Meshech* and Tubal... "(KJV) =
He is also Officially
("...the CHIEF PRINCE" Ezek 38:2)
of the
"Definition: 'Commander in Chief'. the supreme commander of the armed forces of a nation or, sometimes, of several allied nations"
“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”
(Turkish pronunciation: [ˈæɾdoan] )
"who is born as a brave man, soldier or warrior", "brave, warrior hawk", or "fighter"
**VERY INTERESTING: This new name change in 2022 from "Turkey" to be now called "Turkiye" enabled the "President of Turkey" to now become the:
(Our Lord certainly overruled this simple name change (adding 1 letter) to help us positively identify)
** "It was reported in January 2022 that the government planned to register Türkiye with the United Nations. According to the state-run TRT World, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu sent letters to the UN and other international organisations on 31 May 2022, requesting that they use Türkiye. The UN agreed and implemented the name change "
TURKEY or TURKIYE - either is OK to use apparently (obviously the Lord arranged this!)
"The Board on Geographic Names also gave the department the option to continue to use "Turkey" and "Republic of Turkey" when appropriate. For instance, the previous spelling is allowed in cartographic products because it is more widely understood by the American public.
The name change also comes six months after the United Nations agreed to recognize Türkiye in June."
Erdogan said on
Sunday October 8, 2023 (666) :
" Expert highlights the double standard when it comes to Palestinian refugees "
The Capital of Israel (666)
The Country of Israel (666)
"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL the fulness of the Gentiles be come in" Rom 11:25
"BOOK OF ROMANS 11 vs 25" (666)
Founded in 1992 , United Torah Judaism (Yahadut HaTorah) is a joint list made up of the ultra-Orthodox parties Agudat Israel and Degel HaTorah. These two parties have run together since the elections for the 13th Knesset in 1992.
"Unlike similar religiously-oriented parties like Shas, Mafdal and Noam, UTJ is non-Zionist. Unlike some other Haredim, the party is notable for its usage of technology and electronic communication. "
While it may seem shocking or strange to see Israel 'marked' with (666) at first, we are to remember that this is only temporarily, of course, as Satan's influence is currently what is causing all of the chaos in the land of Palestine, Gaza & Jerusalem in particular as Israel's Government is clearly still under Satan's "worldly" and demonic influence and control. Israel is still "blinded" by Satan's deceptions. This current (Oct. 2024), worldly Government of Israel is not of our Lord, not yet -very important to keep this in mind !
"lest ye should be wise in your own conceits" Rom. 11:25
"Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks" Isa. 16:16
While "The Jewish Community" can technically be used to refer to Jews in Israel, it's more commonly used to describe Jews living outside of Israel, as the majority of Israel's population is Jewish, making "the Jewish community" in Israel essentially synonymous with the wider Israeli population; in other words,
"Jews in Israel" is the more precise term when referring specifically to the Jewish population within the country. To us the scriptures make it quite clear that all Jews are called to return to possess their Homeland, Israel. God has made it abundantly clear to those Jews not returning that he will send "HUNTERS" to hunt them "out of the holes of the rocks" (Isa. 16:16). World War 2 was one big 'hunt', it does not mean it was the last. The term "Jewish community" is often used to specifically refer to Jewish populations living outside of Israel, known as the Jewish diaspora. As of 2023, Israel is home to 7.2 million Jews, while the United States has 6.3 million. Other countries with large Jewish populations include Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, and Argentina . So almost HALF of the worlds Jews are still living in "captivity" - still living within the worldly governments of Babylon, with the majority living in the United States , this will NOT be tolerated by Jehovah God is our understanding. Every Jewish person on the face of the Earth is STRONGLY encouraged to move to Israel while there is still time .
"The status of Jerusalem has been described as "one of the most intractable issues in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict" due to the long-running territorial dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, both of which claim it as their capital city."
"Jerusalem – As the city of Babylon represented the Empire of Babylon, so the city of Jerusalem represented the Jewish nation." CR41:2; NS681:1
"Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it" Jeremiah 30:7
"For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the *women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city" Zech 14:2
"Hamas and the Palestinian people are not only defending their own lands. They are also defending Anatolia (Asia Minor-Turkey)"
"The Turkish leader is uniquely poised to take center stage in many of the area conflicts and advance his grand design of reviving an Islamic caliphate under his rule." Jerusalem Post July 2020
"The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces."
"Persia, Cush, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:"
Ezek 38:5
"... and be thou a GUARD unto them " Ezek 38:7
Approved on
"The Horn of Africa , also known as
" As always, Türkiye will stand by ‘friendly and brotherly people' of Iran during these difficult times, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan"
We are to remember that all prophecies take time , years , even decades , to fulfill and have stages of development. These prophetic "marks" are initial identifiable indicators , in our opinion, of Ezekiel 38. Thus the Lord, ironically, encourages Gog and Allies to :
" Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them. " Ezekiel 38:7 (NKJV)
Israel , it seems, has yet to truly dwell safely, in "unwalled villages", so we must keep this in mind & watch.
As events worldwide are now moving rapidly, we see fulfillments happening in real time before our very eyes. Thankfully, our Lord has provided us this amazing gift !- our Pastors KEY to the "number of his name" aka "the 'MARK' of his name" (Rev. 14:11) i.e. 666= 6+6+6 = 18 letters in the number of his (the beast) name (Rev 13:17) that allows us to "track", trace and identify the beast and his corrupting influences in the "four winds of the EARTH" Rev 7:1 (these four winds of the EARTH seem to be a bit different from the four winds of the HEAVEN (Dan 7:2)
Interesting note: The 6th President of Turkey was: Fahri Sabit Korutürk(666) ? However, we note that the start date of his term in office listed as Friday April 6, 1973 does not seem to "bare witness" to the 'mark', i.e. the date his term began does not = 666. In other words this helps us to differentiate between the two. We also do not believe Koruturk was also considered to be "Commander and Chief" of the military during his term from 1973-1980.
Only since the 2017 Turkish constitutional referendum Article 104 " The President becomes both the head of state and head of government, with the power to appoint and sack ministers and Vice President. The president can issue executive decrees "
Not every name spelled with 18 letters means they are 'marked' of course! Millions of people have 18 letters in the spelling of their name ! We feel the Lord allowed for the President of Turkiye (666), Rece Tayyip Erdogan (666) to be specifically "marked and identified" as a FAVOR to us, leaving NO DOUBT as to who "Gog the Chief Prince" is in this Prophecy.
This tell us how VERY important it is to provide "at least 2-3" to bare witness/testimony,(and for actual people it is our opinion it must show overwhelming proofs and multiple witnesses) along with using CHRISTIAN COMMON SENSE - LOGIC & REASON (Isaiah 1:18). We must ask ourselves, "how is this name , event, term, date " related to or in the 4 winds? (see below).
And here we see just one potential identifying 'mark', just his full name, is our understanding of the matter , yet we feel further investigation into former President Koruturk's term in office for other potential 'mark's' may be warranted .
It seems the "chief prince" in Ezek 38:2 and 39:1 might be directed at the same distinct individual, yet it may be just that 39:2 is directed at same office - the "PRESIDENT OF TURKIEYE (666) (Meshech and Tubal) , still to happen in the future? Perhaps. However , currently we feel it is the one individual - Recep Tayyip Erdogan(666) , yet time will tell so we keep watching...
This 'key' (6+6+6=18 LETTERS) allows us to track the beast in the
Psalms 83 Prophecy 'marks'
WEDNESDAY MAY 14, 1948* (666)
THE SIX DAY WAR OF 1967 (666)
Israel blossomed officially as a Nation on May 14,1948
We considered how it was that
Abraham was 75 years old when he was given the Promise
"So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran" Gen. 12:4
" Was 75 years old – At the time the covenant was made with him. B231
So we asked on a simple Years Ago Calculator:
"What date was it 75 years ago from May 14,1948 ?"
"Start Date: May 14,1948
Result Date: May 14, 1873
Days Ago : 27,393 days"
" In Bible chronology a "Time" is a symbolic year. According to Jewish reckoning each year was composed of 360 days " [R5721 : page 203]
75 x 360 days per year = 27000 days ,
NOT THE 27,393 days as calculated above so we must move forward 393 days
Searched: "what was the date 27000 days before may 14 1948?"
Answer: Thursday June 11, 1874
1874, absolutely amazing !
Of course we claim absolutely no expertise in chronology, especially given its complexity in dealing Jewish reckoning of 360 days, not to mention leap years involved etc. Also , to our understanding , October of 1873 in Jewish reckoning is actually 1874 :)
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed,
nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17
"During the Mandate, the area saw successive waves of Jewish immigration and the rise of nationalist movements in both the Jewish and Arab communities. COMPETING INTEREST of the two populations led to the 1936–1939 ARAB REVOLT (666) in Palestine and the 1944–1948 Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine (666)."
More on Turkey coming soon in : "THE DRAGON" (Civil) 666 section
** "It has been proposed in this section that Israel–Hamas war be renamed and moved to Gaza War (2023–present)." Wikipedia note 6.14.24
(The adversary is trying to conceal this "mark" no doubt)
Update June 20 2024 "In controversial move, Wikipedia deems ADL 'unreliable' due to Israel advocacy" more about the ADL
"Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger" Zeph 2:3